Healing Touch
Adult Single Sessions: 60 Minutes – $85 90 Minutes- $110
Children Single Sessions (10 and under): 30-45 minutes $55
AcuEnergetics Wellness Balance Session- 90 minutes: $110
60 Minute Packages: 2 sessions – $155
3 sessions – $225
4 sessions – $295
5 sessions + 1 free session – $425
90 Minute Packages
2 sessions -$200
3 Session -$290
4 session -$380
5 session + 1 free session- $550
New Offering:
Duo Healing Sessions with
Heidi Arnott & Anne Gerber
AcuEnergetics® Wellness Balance + AcuEnergetics® Practitioner Treatment Session Duo Packages
This new offering allows you to have a treatment session with AuEnergetic’s Practitioner Heidi Arnott and Wellness Balancer, Anne Gerber, together! The benefits of this package are the thoroughness of the treatments and having 2 sets of hands working on you at one time.
All of our sessions have at-home practices that begin to teach you various self-care techniques to empower you to take ownership of your health and assist you in learning ways to begin to clear your own energy centers.
The duo packages contain 2 types of sessions that are alternated within your treatment plan:
AcuEnergetic Practitioner Treatment Sessions: The focus of the Acuenergetics Practioner Treatment sessions is the movement of congested energy in organs, meridians, and energy centers that are specific to your targeted treatment plan. In these treatment sessions, a few key points are selected and held for extended periods of time or until the energy congestion is cleared and energy flow is restored. These sessions will be carried out by Heidi and Anne.
AcuEnergetics Wellness Balances: There are 12 different Wellness Balances to select from that work to integrate your energy throughout your whole system. Many of the balances use a series of hand positions that are followed in consecutive order to restore your energy flow and function within the body. The Wellness Balance sessions will be carried out by Anne.
4 Session Duo Package: $436
2 AcuEnergetic Practioner Treatment Sessions with Practioner Heidi & Anne assisting
2 AcuEnergetic Wellness Balances with Wellness Balancer, Anne
6 Session Duo Package- $641
3 AcuEnergetic Practioner Treatment Sessions with Practioner Heidi & Anne Assisting
3 AcuEnergetic Wellness Balances with Wellness Balancer, Anne
8 Session Duo Package- $ 835
4 AcuEnergetic Practioner Treatment Sessions with Practioner Heidi & Anne Assisting
4 AcuEnergetic Wellness Balances with Wellness Balancer, Anne
11 Session Duo Package- $ 1106.25
5 AcuEnergetic Practioner Treatment Sessions with Practioner Heidi & Anne assisting
6 AcuEnergetic Wellness Balances with Wellness Balancer, Anne
Initial Consultation: $130
Nutritional Coaching: 50 minutes – $110
Nutritional Workshops: In-Home Workshops - price varies
Bone Broth 101
Seasonal Tonic Elixirs
Seasonal Soup Series
Eating for the Season
Essential Oils
Personalized Essential Oil Profile ( 40 minutes) – $45 Interested in knowing how essential oils can benefit your health & wellness. During this consultation you will get a chance to bring up your wellness goals and receive a list of essential oils that fit your needs and a complimentary oil to take with you. Included in this is a free 15 minute phone or zoom call to discuss your needs.
Essential Oil Workshops (90 minutes): Pricing varies
Essential Oils 101 – Learn what they are, how to use them and dive into sampling the top 7 essential oils used by families.
Essential Oils for the Seasons – Learn how to attune the body to the seasons using essential oils. This workshop focuses on understanding the energetic principles of the season through Traditional Chinese Medicine principles. Learn what organs go with which season, how to identify when they are needing support and which oils work best for the season.
Essential Oils First-Aid Kit – Learn the top oils to have around the house to support the body through illness and injury.
Custom Create a Workshop – Let’s work together to create an E.O. class around a topic you’re interested in. Here are some ideas to get your mind going (child birth, study skills, attention). Your turn…
Mindfulness Meditation
4 Class Meditation Series: Pricing variable
Adult, Teen, Pre-Teen, Child & Whole Family Classes available
Understand the importance of meditation when it comes to calming and restoring the mind and body. Topics covered throughout the four-class series include: understanding what happens within the brain during stress and relaxed states, breath work, meditations and how to set up a successful meditation practice. Each session lasts 60 minutes and has a 4-person minimum.